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Cookie policy

Cookie policy

In order to maintain and improve the services of the Website and to enhance the user experience, the Website uses cookies. By using the Website, you accept all current cookie policies and the privacy statement of the Website.

Cookies are small files performing text identification and data collection tasks, installed by a browser on the device of a User. A cookie consists of a unique string of numbers and is primarily used to distinguish between computers and other devices downloading the website.

Cookies created during the visit of the Website can be classified as follows:

  • Cookies ensuring basic operative functions: cookies without which the essential services of the website would not be able to work properly.
  • Cookies enhancing performance: These cookies collect information about how visitors use the website. For example, what are the most visited sections and the most popular articles. These cookies are used by our website for statistical purposes, in order to improve and maintain the user experience.
  • Functional cookies: these cookies allow the website to remember some previously entered data, such as your personal settings.
  • Targeting/advertising cookies: these cookies help us to send you offers through our advertising interfaces that will best suit your interests. The Website may also cooperate with third parties in providing the above services, but the Website may only disclose personal data to them with prior notice and consent of the user or in the event of an authority order (e.g. at the request of a legal entity).

The Website does not sell, rent or otherwise distribute to third parties the information collected by the cookies, except to the extent necessary to provide the services for which you made this information available previously and voluntarily.

The Website may contain links to independent websites managed and maintained by third parties. As the Website does not control the use of this information by such third parties, in all such cases the provisions of the third-party privacy policy will apply, for which the Website disclaims all responsibility and cannot be held legally liable.

The Website reserves the right to amend any part of this policy at any time, in its sole discretion. Please visit this page regularly and check the eventual changes. If, after the publication of the Privacy Policy modifications, you continue to use the Website, you will be deemed to have accepted the amendments and the current policies.

For the cookies affecting your computer, you can modify the settings in your browser, and you can find information about third-party cookies and their settings at the following website:


8154 Polgárdi-Jánosmajor

8154 Polgárdi-Jánosmajor

8000 Székesfehérvár, Pf. 70.

  06 22 502 090
